Yes Indeed

Many years ago it seems, but not so far away, my wife and I found ourselves in a Christmas play as the parents of three middle aged children. It seemed plausible at the time since we weren’t far from having children of our own. We were living in the Land of the Rising Sun and all around us the notion of Christmas was present, yet the presence of Christmas was absent.

Our stage children were keeping us busy with life and somehow time passed and we never really explained to them what Christmas was all about. So as the play unfolded there was the piercing question of “Dad? Mom? What is the real reason for Christmas?” I don’t recall what my scripted answer was, however, I vividly recall thinking how odd to have three middle school children who had never heard the true meaning of Christmas. But as the play suggested, sometimes we become busy being busy. Decorating cookies and filling stockings gives us immediate joy and suddenly time passes and we’ve glossed over and forgotten to share what the presence of what Christmas is all about.


Fast forward many years to a lunch conversation. Cue the music:

As the background music floated through the room reminding us all that “it’s the most wonderful time of the year“, a little voice pierced the tranquil thoughts and memories floating through my head.





“Papa. What is the real most wonderful time of the year?”

“I don’t know, what do you think?”

“I think it’s when Jesus resurrected from the dead. What do you think Papa?”

“Yes, indeed. Well said son.”


Maybe we did learn our lesson from that play so long ago but not so far away. Keeping the main thing, the main thing can be more of a challenge than we think sometimes. However, to live in the presence of the Risen Son is indeed the most wonderful time of the year. And that is truly worth sharing.

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2 thoughts on “Yes Indeed

  1. Thanks so much for sharing memories of Japan and life from a wise son. Am getting house ready for Mike and family. Look forward to your arrival in June. Hugs to all and Merry Christmas! Marcia/Auntie M

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    • Thanks streetmc.
      Sometimes the wisdom of a young son helps keep everything in the right perspective. I hope your time with Mike and family is both rejuvenating and thrilling all at once.

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