Save Us

“I am a rock. I am an island. And a rock feels no pain. And an island never cries.”*


My home culture encourages the, go it alone mentality claiming strength from self. We sing praises to the stoic one who stands alone. The lone underdog who with his own strength and power, overcomes everything to find triumph and victory from his own doing. While not self created, he is self saved. Coupled with this belief is the cultural notion that it is the male that has traditionally been promoted as the one to stand tall in the face of adversity, overcoming all to provide for friend and family. Songs sung of individual greatness. Folktales feeding the fables of the one man show. The Western movies I consumed, or the Rambo characters I portrayed myself as may have left me with a view of myself that may not be entirely true.

It’s never been a simple thing for me to ask for help. I would so much like to point to my home culture for this, however, if anything is to blame for this trait I suppose it would be my pride. So when 3 out of 5 of my family developed pneumonia it was not something to easily power through and fix myself. As strong as my pride is, it was not capable of saving us. Self survival was no longer an option. And that’s when Community stepped in.

Community nourishes in sickness.

Community accepts and carries each other burdens.

Community enriches.

Community builds up in spirit.

Community sustains.

Community loves unconditionally.


It is our pride that screams out, “I am enough.” But honestly, deep down, we know we are not self-sustaining. In pride we claim, “I am my own god!” Yet, throughout humanity it has never been proven that we can be our own god and find life. We simply can not save ourselves. We need Community.

A community that is bound together three in one. A community that takes us as we are and gives us hope. A hope that is not fleeting or drifting on the whims and fads of life, but a hope that is based upon a solid foundation of unconditional love. A community that hangs our transgressions on a cross, yet bookends the deal with an empty tomb. In this community, and this community alone, we find that we not only have life but life in abundance. Through this community alone, we can be saved.



  • I Am a Rock by Simon and Garfunkle
Categories: Christianity | Tags: , , , , | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Save Us

  1. Susan Pleticha

    Dear Tim, Oh no, who has pneumonia? We will pray they get better fast.

    When does the school year end?

    Prayed for you all last night in our usual night of praying for missionaries. Specifically I prayed that Ben’s ears are doing better and Dale prayed for the end of the school year, that everyone would finish strong. Pneumonia might really mess that latter prayer up.

    Btw, I loved Simon and Garfunkel in my youth. Susan for the Pletichas

    • Thank you oh so much for your prayers!
      The end is in sight, as in restored health and rejuvenation, not our demise. The school year is nearing completion and we are doing our best to finish strong. Transitions are now the focal point for all things. Transitions of restored health, friends leaving, running to resting, and new beginnings. It’s best to take them all one breath at a time with God. We’re trying.
      Thank you so much for your support.

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