Monthly Archives: December 2018


School events can often leave a person attending with a mix of emotions. Our recent middle school lock-in was one such occasion. Team building games, lip syncing, fireside chats with marshmallows, high energy, and way too much running, seemed to be the order of the night. One activity in particular gave cause for pause.

It was an activity where students ran around seeking information and advice from one “sage” to another. The activity took students from one side of the campus to another resulting for many in exasperation, frustration, and irritation because of the demands of the “sage”. There were sages that required perfection before they could be approached. Other sages required good works and right attitude before passing judgement. Another sage even asked students to earn favor by completing tasks to advance their status. As the evening progressed many students began to piece together the fact that God is not a demanding sage with a list of do’s and don’ts for us to follow. In fact God is an ever-loving father, loving us unconditionally, in spite of our failing attempts to please him. Salvation does not come from following a list of requirements or earning favor, but rather belief in Jesus Christ as God who came to save us. No bells to ring or hoops to jump through. Just a relationship to live. A relationship built upon grace that does not leave us in exasperation or frustration.

So many discussion points that night. So many things to consider. So many discussions yet to come. 

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