Monthly Archives: December 2017

There is a Time

Swirling dust, dry cough

Dryness choking life away.

Brown attacking all things green until nothing wants to stay.


Darkness arrives, fear invades

An ambush on life by the wolf.

Violent aggression of demonic proportions released in our compound and self.


Crisping leaves, vibrance dies

Dismal life to live.

Receding waters death abounds there’s nothing left to give.


Dusty lines, destructive words

Two kings shout toe to toe.

Anxiety, hoarding, fear destroying, running battles keeping heads down low.


God is great and God is good

Yet precious life is lost.

When will we realize he’s our only hope, he’s already paid the cost?


Expanding air, flowing electrons

Lightning strikes the ground.

Rolling thunder filling all senses, the earth is screaming out loud.


Pressure builds, tensions rise

The ballot is once more cast.

Hope is blurred by drops of blood dripping much too fast.


Dampness materializes, drops accumulate

The rains have come with force.

Falling wetness coming daily creating a new course.


Swelling reservoirs, seceding lands

Opposing forces throughout the republic.

Green floods forth, giving hope for today, and an ulcer to the stomach.


God is great and God is good

Yet precious life is lost.

When will we realize he’s our only hope, he’s already paid the cost?


From bilateral to mono, calm to chaotic, a new season we’re hoping for.

From life to death, and death to life, the Sustainer of Hope we cry for.



Categories: Hope, Kenya, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | 1 Comment

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