Monthly Archives: November 2017

I Need a Breakdown

Time hung motionless in mid-air, while barreling onward at the same time. Confusion cleared as clarity cascaded upon the scene. To everyone present, it was obvious that a collision was in process. Gasps of breath by all involved as metal collided with metal. The slamming of one vehicle into another. It was a breakdown of all things harmonious.

Adrenaline coursed, while a crowd gathered and pushed all participants towards unhealthy confrontation. Strangers and friends stepped out to console. Onlookers gawked, emotions ran high, police arrived, and vehicles limped to the side of the highway. Police reports, cultural differences, and complicated conversations. It was a breakdown of all things comfortable.

“Hello this is roadside services.”

“Yes, I need a tow truck”

“Oh, you need a breakdown?”

“No. I’ve already had one. I need a tow truck.”

“So are you in need of a breakdown?”

“I have a breakdown. I need a tow truck.”

“Do you have a breakdown already, or do you need one?

“I’ve had a breakdown and am in need of a tow truck to tow my car.”

“So you would like us to send you a breakdown?”

“You’re giving me a breakdown. I need a tow truck.”

“Oh, alright. I’ll give you a breakdown to tow your car.”


Apparently, in Kenyan English a “breakdown” is a tow truck. Which would have been good to know before my breakdown. And so, after much anticipation, and in sincere thankfulness, I received my breakdown.

So many lessons one could pull from this incident.

“…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18


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