Monthly Archives: December 2016

Not The Christmas Christmas

“It’s the real Christmas. Not the Christmas Christmas.” Said Michael excitedly upon finding a book for Benjamin to read to him about the first Christmas.


Calculations are taken. Calendars are rearranged. Checklists are made. And the cramming of grades, cookies, and ideas begin. Yes, it’s the time of the year when words like good and tidings go together without people looking at you strange. Family traditions are upheld, new traditions are forged, twice as much food is consumed, and pop culture takes a break from the norm. It can be a wonderful time to press pause and reflect upon what really matters most. Yet, sometimes it feels like we’re merely moving pieces of our lives around trying to stay one step ahead, in preparation for the next event. When it feels like we are merely ticking off boxes in a checklist of activities, events, and productions it can be easy to loose focus on the plot.

When told that we would be putting Christmas decorations up Benjamin excitedly exclaimed that he would make a Christmas decoration out of Lego blocks.


Either he is confused over the time of year it is or else he really gets what it’s all about.

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