Monthly Archives: September 2015

Welcome To The New

“But it’s no use to go back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” – Lewis Carroll


“Now here you are eyes open wide. It’s like you’re seeing things in a brand new light, for the first time. Let us be the first to welcome you… Life you thought was too good to be true…Welcome to the new.”*



“Now here you are, a new point of view. Now it all makes sense, why it’s the called the Good News. Let us be the first to welcome you…We’ve been waiting for you… Welcome to the new.”*


There are no words to adequately convey emotions and thoughts that dance through your consciousness when you are able to hold a cherished little one after a long wait. Knowledge of pain, time away, and sorrowful heartache melt into nothingness with one look from his eyes. An overwhelming sense of joy floods through the crevices of life softening even the mightiest and most callused. In short it is love.

A brother’s love, while containing all the thrills of being an iconic superhero, is deeper and more fulfilling when the relationship develops. Devotion to one another in brotherly love is not merely an aspiration but rather an action for us all. Yet this love is often pale when standing next to the love of a mother. Much has been written about motherly love being one of power, beauty, intimacy, heroism, and even majesty. The depth of a mother’s love is a testimony to be sure, but the love of a father stands alone. Part superhero, part nurturer, a strong tower. The love of the father is patient and never-ending. Like a true superhero, he has come to save in spite of our heartaches and wrongful choices that led to our near demise. Then there is unspeakable joy when we arrive into his presence and are held by our one true Papa. Welcome to the new.



Opening Quote taken from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

*Lyrics and title shamelessly stolen from Welcome To The New by MercyMe


Categories: Christianity, Faith, Hope, Photography, TCK, Through a Toddler's Lens, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment




I watched you grab my sons, you tried to tackle them to the ground.

When you didn’t get what you wanted you hit the closest one around.

You understand the word “no”, it lights a fire of anger in you.

You may be five years old right now, but you act like you’re barely two.

You understand the reason for me in your life right now.

The when and why you can’t quite grasp, but you certainly know the how.

You’ve not been taught to use your words, aggression is your code.

You’ve grown up with survival of the fittest, might makes right is your mode.

I saw you bite my son today when you didn’t get your way.

But when it was time for us to go you begged for us to stay.

You understand that I will leave and it makes you rage inside.

Yet after you hit my son, I hugged and held you, your tears you did not hide.

There’s so much wrong and against you now, it certainly isn’t fair.

If I could, I’d take you home with me, my heart I’d always share.


Categories: Christianity, Faith, Hope, Reflections, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment



“Sometimes the morning came too soon

Sometimes the day could be so hot

There was so much work left to do

But so much You’d already done.”


“And on this road to righteousness

Sometimes the climb can be so steep

I may falter in my steps

But never beyond your reach”


As the marionette is pulled from beyond its control, so to the emotional wires of Uncertainty and Exuberance propel me forward. Stepping through time with often nothing more than faith, it has been my discovery that in these moments of worldly loss I find my greatest gain.

I have decided to follow Jesus

No turning back

No turning back


Song lyrics from Sometimes By Step by Rich Mullins

“Imani” means faith in Swahili

Categories: Christianity, Faith, Hope, Kenya, Photography, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

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