Monthly Archives: June 2014

Holy Watermellon


Sitting in the sun, sharing an apple, I asked my oldest and most experienced son for advice. “Benjamin what should we write about today?” His response was the classic holding of his chin saying “Hmmm.” After a short pause he replied, “A watermelon.” Humored and intrigued I thought it might be fun to examine his thought process so I asked, “How can we see God in a watermelon?” More pensive chin holding ensued. Then he blurted out, “We just have to believe in God then we can see God in a watermelon.”


Then he looked at me and held my face close to his and said “I believe in God.” He must have sensed that I wasn’t truly seeing him because he said it again with more emphasis on each word. Stifling a cynical smirk my response was merely an acknowledgement that he had spoken. We continued eating our apple and enjoying the sunshine. After a short silence Benjamin spoke again. “I believe in God. That’s why I can see God in a watermelon.” Yes, I suppose he’s correct. As long as we squeeze our eyes shut refusing to open them we will never see anything, thus maneuvering in a world of invisibility. It is only after opening our eyes to the possibility of belief that we are able to see what this four-year old knows. God is clearly visible. Just look.

So there you have it. God in a watermelon.


Categories: Christianity, Kenya, Photography, Through a Toddler's Lens, Uncategorized | 4 Comments

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