Monthly Archives: March 2014

Lessons Revisited

Remember those lessons you were supposed to learn in school, church, or from your parents but you never got around to truly learning them? Then later on in life you discover these little jewels and think you’ve discovered solomon’s lost mines. Well here are a few tidbits I’ve noticed recently.


Darkness comes and life often looks like it will fall apart but hold on. You’re never alone.

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We all need rest and quiet time.

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Be humble.

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Keep your focus on what really matters.

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Enjoy life.

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Value wisdom and encourage creativity in yourself and others.

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Brotherly love doesn’t mean you’re always happy and agreeing, but when someone needs a helping hand…you’re there for them.

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Being albino in a black and white striped world is not wrong. No need to fear differences.

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Friendliness is contagious.

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Categories: Christianity, Kenya, Photography, Reflections | Leave a comment

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