Monthly Archives: October 2013

R. A. V.

low grade fever for boys around

waves of nausia crashing down

lads want to play but need to sleep sound

zapping strength, knocking them down.




Time for a DVD, “let’s calm down a bit”

spasms of coughing, the body throws a fit

loud sickening POP! the power’s gone for today

barely 9 am, gonna be a long day.

A mountain of blankets under which books are read

superhero capes and teddy bears tucked in bed

magnificant day in the African sun

chills and shivering inside, no one’s having fun.

Crayons, games, stickers, puzzles, a hatted cat too

HELP! …Resources exhausted! …Need more things to do

two boys are joyful while taxing as everyone knows

wouldn’t three boys really keep me on my toes?

Getting dizzy… slightly mental… oh look there’s a tyranalamoose

must be wazerliling from reading Dr. Seuss.




another Random African Virus is going around

waves of nausia crashing down

fever is breaking maybe now they’ll sleep sound

zapping strength, knocking me down.

Categories: Kenya, Photography, Through a Toddler's Lens | 3 Comments

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